The Creepiest Traditions In The World You Won't Believe Exist

Hindus pierce themseleves as part of this ritual. It's to show devotion to Lord Murugan

Hindu Thaipusam Festival

Bullet Ant Glove

An Amazonian tribe has an stunning coming of age ritual. Boys must wear gloves filled with bullet ants.


An interesting ritual in the Himalayas involves guys breaking into girls' homes at night. They spend the night with them, but if they're caught, they must marry the girl.

Yanomami tribe members actually drink their relative's corpse when they die. The ashes are made into a soup.


Thaipusam involves more piercing. Again, it is a way for Hindus to show devotion.

Tooth Filing
Bali women file their teeth before marriage. It's to ward off jealousy and greed.

Baby Throwing
Indian babies are sometimes thrown off temples. The fifty foot drop is met with people at the bottom catching the babies with a cloth.

This is also popular among sex workers, since they believe this festival will keep away STDs and protect them.

The Creepiest Traditions In The World You Won't Believe Exist The Creepiest Traditions In The World You Won't Believe Exist Reviewed by india on 02:45:00 Rating: 5

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